Kom fram, 2019, 53 x 38 cm, charcoal on paper
Nallebukett, 2019, 53 x 38 cm, charcoal on paper
Självporträtt, rakat huvud, 2019, 41 x 30 cm, charcoal on paper
Ute på natten, 2019, 41 x 30 cm, charcoal on paper
Antagligen inte, 2019, 41 x 30 cm, ink on paper
Fot, 2019, 22 x 18 x 12 cm, textile and plaster
Utan titel, 2019, 32 x 31 x 18 cm, textile, sealing foam and concrete
Gravsten, 2019, 15 x 11 x 7 cm, textile and wood
I din vägg, 2019, 30 x 14 x 7 cm, textile, wood and plaster
En orm vi sett förut, 2019, 42 x 36 x 20 cm, textile, plastic and plaster
Alla fyra, 2019, 25 x 22 x 15 cm, textile and plaster